The tattoo business in Columbia is booming since a law was passed in March of 2010 that lowered the age of consent to get a tattoo in South Carolina from 21 to 18 years old.
Daniel Adedokun, the head apprentice at Divine Street Tattoos in Columbia, says that he has definitely seen an increase in business at the shop since the law was passed. “It’s not like kids weren’t getting tattooed before this law was passed, they were just driving to North Carolina or Georgia to do it. Now South Carolina shops are getting that business,” he says.
Casey Stewart, a third year history student at the University of South Carolina, did just that. “I really wanted to get a feather on my foot and my parents didn‘t approve, so I just drove to Charlotte because I knew they wouldn’t have to sign for me up there.” Stewart was 19 years old at the time, and was tattooed at Cosmic Tattoos in Charlotte, North Carolina. She says her parents know about the tattoo now and are no longer disapproving. She also says that she plans on getting another tattoo, this time in Columbia, since the law has changed.
Austin Ward, a 20-year-old Columbia resident, got his first tattoos done while lying on his friend’s couch. The difference in quality between these and his new professionally done tattoo is evident. “I definitely would have gone to a professional shop before if the law had already changed so that 18-year-olds could get tattoos,” he says. Ward was recently tattooed at 5 Brand Tattoos.
Ward's new tattoo of a sword with a banner that says "MORTIS PRAE INFARIAE."
Governor Mark Sanford signed the law that lowered the age of consent to get a tattoo in South Carolina on March 30, 2010. South Carolina had previously been the only state in the US that required a person to be 21 to get a tattoo.
Since the law has changed, the tattoo industry in South Carolina has gained a lot more business from 18 to 20-year-olds who no longer have no travel to neighboring states to get tattoos or get tattoos in an unprofessional environment.
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